Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Relax, slow down. . . allow ideas to emerge naturally

Stress usually causes the mind to speed up, become erratic and produce jangled, disassociated thoughts. The Chinese call it the “monkey mind.” The more you relax, the more your conflicting thoughts slow down and lose their force. You can then see things with more clarity and less frustration according to Energy Arts: http://www.energyarts.com/benefits-learning-tai-chi

Mental relaxation will help you:

  • Settle down and become calm, allowing you to focus on the task at hand.
  • Multi-task without mental tension and distraction.
  • Connect your brain to your body without strain.
  • Become aware of single or multiple thoughts without becoming tense and feeling yourself pulled in different directions.
  • Gain deeper insight and allow ideas to emerge naturally.

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